The Slump.

Every single Christian experiences highs and lows. You know exactly what I’m talking about. One day you feel so close to God that you know you could face anything. Then the next day comes, and you feel like God is a million miles away. You completely lack the peace, security, and confidence you had only moments before. I am currently fighting the slump, the valley, the low point, and I know many of you are too. These low points are often times not brought on by a terrible event or circumstance. I have come to realize they are most often brought on by nothing at all. What I mean is that we allow God to slowly slip out of our focus. Everything is fine, so we lose the fire to fight to keep our focus on Him. God doesn’t move an inch. Our focus does as we become distracted by the mundane. This pushes us into the trap of focusing on ourselves. Then, all we see is what we lack.

This is what frustrates me the most about the slump: God has given us everything. Yet, we are not content. It is as if the devil notices our slip in concentration and holds up a magnifying glass in our line of sight to control what we focus on.

Being content is a conscious decision. It is one that has to be fought for each day. Being thankful and grateful for everything is everything. It is directly linked to finding our joy in Christ.

If you are currently facing the slump: keep fighting, stay thankful, and know that God has not moved an inch away from you. Turn your eyes to Him, and He will help you see.




2 thoughts on “The Slump.

  1. So beautifully written! It’s amazing how God always drops words of encouragement into my life just when I need them most. You were the messenger today, and I really needed to hear this right now. Thank you for reminding me that we all go through slumps, and God will always be waiting patiently with love when we come out the other side.

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